Fully aware of these impacts on the environment, PRESSO FONDERIE has always endeavoured to adopt the best technologies available on the market to reduce these impacts. Regard to interactions with the air, PRESSO FONDERIE from 2015 can boast 2 moderns and efficients purification plants for the vapours leading from the furnaces and presses. These vapours are drawn into sealed ducts and conveyed through a vertical filter in two filters. After this process the purified air is released through two chimneys at a height of 15 metres from the ground, which are continuously monitored by appropriately adjusted triboelectric sensors in the final section that are controlled on a routine basis. Since 2017 we have istalled a highly technological system to check "live" our emission level. Other impacts on the air could be caused by the water recovery system that works through vacuum evaporation at low temperature. After the recent installation of the 2 new centralized melting furnaces, a new purification system for the fumes coming from the sleeves has been installed on the south side of the factory. In the same area there are now also all the chimneys of the other extraction systems produced by the sandblasting, grinding and discarding processes.
In case of leaks, the CFC or HCFC gases used in the cooling circuit of 3 of our plants (1 heat pump vacuum evaporator and 2 dryers) could cause damage to the ozone layer in the atmosphere. In this case, too, PRESSO FONDERIE behaves in an ethical manner, because every year specialised personnel check the tightness of the cooling circuit using an electronic meter calibrated especially.
From September 2016 the photofoltaic system startup will lead to a reduction of emission of substances polluting effect and those that have a contribute to the greenhouse effect
We estimate that we will reduce our emission of:
CO2 carbon dioxide 188.591,84 kg in one year - 3.466.112.03 in twenty years
SO2 sulfu dioxide 353,61 kg in one year - 6.498,95 in twenty years
NOX nitrogen oxiden 220,53 kg in one year - 4.053,11 in twenty years
At 30/06/24 we have produced 2.450.000 kWh of "clear" energy.... we are proud of us!