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The mechanical department has been acquired through by the incorporation of the company PF Mechanics LTD
The mechanical department consists today of the following machines:

- 3 CNC lathes for turning the die cast parts;

- 1 manual lathe for turning the pieces ;

In this department also are donethe routine maintenances to the molds, in collaboration with the directives of clients, those are the owners of the molds themselves.

For maintenance are used 

- 1 saturated steam for cleaning;

- 1 high pressure washer

- 1 cutter;

- 1 welding tig machine with appropriate local exhaust ventilation;

- 1 radial drill

- various other portable or fixed tolls.

The personnel working within this branch of the company is divided into:
a turner
a maintenance of the molds

From 2018 in this area is situated the warehouse of all the moulds for diecasting machine.

Pian dell'Olmino 49, Colle Val d'Elsa (Si)
Tel. 0577 929127  Fax 0577 928260 E-mail
Cod. Fisc. e P. Iva IT 00352490528 - Numero R.E.A. 76989
Export SI 006403 - Registro Imprese di Siena n. 00352490528
Capitale Sociale € 51.480 i.v.
Certificazioni ISO 9001 e ISO 14001